Associate Professor Sammel is an active researcher and has published more than 30 articles in peer-reviewed rheumatology and vascular medicine journals. He has also received multiple research awards. His research focuses on vasculitis and related conditions. He is a principal investigator of a clinical trial investigating a new medication for giant cell arteritis and is actively leading projects examining advanced imaging for diagnosing and monitoring large vessel vasculitis. He is also involved in ANCA vasculitis and connective tissue disease related studies. A/Prof Sammel teaches medical students at the University of New South Wales and junior doctors at Prince of Wales and Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospitals.

A selection of A/Professor Sammel’s peer-reviewed publications is below. They are also available at the University of NSW research website
- Christie FA, Ho Shon I, Nguyen K, Caterson H, Bertouch J, Sammel AM., Clinical Image: Brachial arteritis on positron emission tomography/computed tomography in acute eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis. ACR Open Rheumatology 2024.
- Nguyen AAK, Sammel AM, Mollan SP, Subramanian PS, Fraser CL. Giant Cell Arteritis Incidence During the COVID Pandemic., J Neuroophthalmol 2024:44:e62,
- Turner D, Luxton G, Yong K, Sammel A. The impact of coronavirus-19 vaccination on anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody vasculitis hospitalisations in a Sydney health network. Internal Medicine Journal 2024.54:483
- Cullen T, Griffith M, Damodaran A, Lewis E, McMillan F, Sammel A; Honeysette R, Biles B, Beadman K. Nathan S. The First Nations experience of accessing rheumatology services in a metropolitan hospital: A qualitative study. Health Expectations 2024,
- Norman E, Fraser C, Lawlor M, Sammel A. A low Southend Giant Cell Arteritis Probability Score negates the need for a temporal artery biopsy in general and eye hospital cohorts. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2023. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kead698. Online ahead of print.
- Lim M, Ho Shon I, Sammel AM. Crowned dens syndrome detected on FDG-PET/CT during investigation for giant cell arteritis. Arthritis Rheumatol, Dec 2023 doi: 10.1002/art.42777. Online ahead of print.
- Nguyen A, Sammel AM, Mollan SP, Subramanian P S; Fraser CL. Giant cell arteritis incidence during the COVID pandemic, J Neuroophthalmol, 2022 Jul 8.
- Islam S, Cullen T, Sumpton D, Damodaran A, Heath D, Bosco A, Doo NW, Kidson-Gerber G, Cheong A, Lawford R, Walsh R, Sammel A. VEXAS syndrome: lessons learnt from an early Australian case series. Intern Med J. 2022:52:658.
- Quigley J, Sammel AM, Laurent R, Brewer J, Hsiao E, Schembri G, Fraser CL. The Clinical Significance of Small Vessel Vasculitis on Temporal Artery Biopsies. J Neuroophthalmol. 2022:42:217
- Caterson HC, Li A, March L, Bannon PG, Marshman D, Wolfenden HD, Kench J, Davidson T, Soh HC, Sammel AM. Post-operative outcomes of inflammatory thoracic aortitis: a study of 41 patients from a cohort of 1119 surgical cases. Clin Rheumatol. 2022:41:1219
- Tang Lee Say TL; Yang V; Fingret JM; Zagora S; Symes R; Younan C; Cornish EE; Verma N; Sammel A; Wakefield D; Speden D; McCluskey PJ, 2021, ‘Adalimumab in patients with vision-threatening uveitis: Real-world clinical experience’. BMJ Open Ophthalmology:6:e000819
- Johnson V., Ryan J., Ho-Shon I., Davidson T., Sammel A.M. Clinical Images: Pulmonary Arteritis in Clinically Occult Aneurysmal Giant Cell Arteritis. ACR Open Rheumatol. 2021:3:356
- Fraser C.L. and Sammel A.M. Why it is time for an update on giant cell arteritis? Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2021:49:99
- Xiong J., Sammel A., Laurent R., Fraser C. Diagnostic accuracy of the chewing gum test in giant cell arteritis. Clin Exp Ophthal. 2021:49:83
- Spies MC, Gutjahr-Holland JA, Bertouch JV, Sammel AM. Prevalence of Neuropsychiatric Lupus in Psychosis Patients Who Have Tested Positive for Antinuclear Antibodies. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2022:74:427
- Ryan J., Tieu J., Bose B., Francis R., Gingold M., Goh L., Gray J., Hill C., Hissaria P., Jahan S., Langguth D., Li J., McLean‐Tooke A., Peh C., Rahman M., Sammel A., Stamp L., Street M., Swaminathan S., Wong N., Kitching R. Formation of the Australian and New Zealand Vasculitis Society (ANZVASC) to improve the care of patients with vasculitis in Australia and New Zealand. Intern. Med. J. 2020:50:781
- Dey A. and Sammel A.M. Old disease, new tricks. Update on giant cell arteritis. Medicine Today. 2020:21:47
- Kim LN, Sammel AM. Images in Vascular Medicine. A downward dog seldom bites: A rare case of bilateral ulnar artery thrombosis from yoga. Vasc Med. 2020:25:383
- Caterson HC, Shah PR, Wegner EA, Sammel AM. Ophthalmic Inflammation on Positron Emission Tomography in Vision-Threatening Giant Cell Arteritis. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2020:72:1012
- Sammel A.M. et al. Assessment for varicella zoster virus in patients newly suspected of having giant cell arteritis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2020:59:1992
- Sammel A.M. et al. Cranial and large vessel activity on positron emission tomography scan at diagnosis and six-months in giant cell arteritis. Int J Rheum Dis. 2020:23:582
- Zagora S.L., Cornish E.E., Symes R.J., Younan C., Sammel A., Wakefield D., McCluskey P. Inflammatory eye and rheumatic disease. Int J Rheum Dis. 2019:22:2091
- Sammel A.M. et al. Diagnostic Accuracy of Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography of the Head, Neck, and Chest for Giant Cell Arteritis: A Prospective, Double-Blind, Cross-Sectional Study. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2019:71:1319
- Sammel A.M and Fraser C. L Update on giant cell arteritis. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2018;29:520
- Sammel A.M. et al. Comment on: The proposed role of ultrasound in the management of giant cell arteritis in routine clinical practice. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2018:57:1124
- Sammel A.M. et al. Maxillary artery 18F-FDG uptake as a new finding on PET/CT scan in a cohort of 41 patients suspected of having giant cell arteritis. Int J Rheum Dis. 2018:21:560
- Sammel A.M., Fung S. and Omari A. Non-thrombotic Pulmonary Artery Embolism – Don’t Forget the Differential. Vasc. Med. 2018:23:185
- Armellian L., Sammel A.M., et al. Coronary artery stenting in acute coronary syndrome associated with giant cell arteritis. J Cardiol Cases. 2017:16:77
- Sammel A.M., et al. 18F-FDG Positron Emission Tomography Uptake in the Superficial Temporal and Vertebral Arteries in Biopsy Positive Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA). J Clin Rheumatol. 2017:23:443
- Sammel A.M., et al. Shear wave elastographic ultrasound of metacarpophalangeal synovium in rheumatoid arthritis a – pilot study. Australas J Ultrasound Med. 2017:20:58
- Sammel A.M. and Damodaran A.K. Giant Cell Arteritis – Rheumatology Clinic. Medicine Today. 2015:16:57
- Sammel A.M., et al. Reduced efficacy of transcatheter and surgical revascularization in Takayasu arteritis. Int J Rheum Dis. 2019:22:152.
- Chen D.H., Sammel A.M., Jain P., Jepson N. Cardiologist operated ultrasound guided thrombin injection as a safe and efficacious first line treatment for iatrogenic femoral artery pseudoaneurysms. Heart Lung Circ. 2015;24:165
- Sammel A.M., Chen D., Jepson N. New generation coronary stent technology–is the future biodegradable? Heart Lung Circ. 2013:22:495